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Below is a list of those who contributed to the development of the Air Masses and Fronts instructional module in the Online Meteorology Guide. We greatly appreciate the efforts of those who contributed to the development of this module.
Diane Portis - Content Reviewer - Academic Professional in Atmospheric Sciences who edited module text and diagrams for scientific accuracy. Jeff Van Dorn - Developer - Constructed pages on advection, cold advection, and warm advection. Dave Werth - Developer - Constructed pages on 850 mb temperature advection, moisture advection, and vorticity advection. Mythili Sridhar - Graphics Assistant - Graphically enhanced earlier versions of this module. Yiqi Shao - Graphics Assistant - Constructed home page graphic.
WXP Purdue - Selected weather maps in this module used for the purpose of demonstration were accessed from the WXP web server at Purdue University.