A Synoptic/Dynamic Analysis of the Veteran's Day Storm
November 9-14, 1996 in the Great Lakes

A portion of these modules are extracted from a recent term paper in an advanced synoptic-dynamic meteorology course in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign.

They include:

  • An overview of the storm chronology and discussion of the synoptic evolution which spawned the storm.

  • A brief background on lake effect snow.

  • A discussion of stability in the atmospheric column as it relates to LES storms.

  • A discussion of vertical wind shear and why it plays an important role in LES forecasting and evolution.

  • A discussion with some results from the Veteran's Day Storm using the University of Illinois Quasigeostrophic model (QG Model). This model was written by Professor Mohan Ramamurthy with subsequent modifications from departmental graduate students.

  • A discussion of Q-vectors and divergence of Q at 500 mb taken from Numerical Weather Prediciton (NWP) model output and processed via WXP, the Weather Processor.

  • A summary of findings, observations, and potential future work gleaned from the study.

These sections may have special value for meteorologists or students of meteorology, and are left as-is with this in mind. The novice reader is encouraged to browse "helper" sections of WW2010™ which explain such concepts as isentropic analysis, QG-theory, and other current atmospheric science topics that are used in diagnosing and analyzing the weather and atmospheric phenomenon.

Data and Analysis
Terms for using data resources. CD-ROM available.
Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
