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Forecasting Near Warm Fronts
warmer and more moist conditions

A warm front is the transition zone where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass. The air behind a warm front is generally warmer and more moist than the air ahead of it. A likely scenario has been depicted below, where temperatures ahead of the front are in the 20's and 30's while behind the front they are in the 50's and 60's.

The air mass behind a warm front is likely to be warmer and more moist than the one before the front. If a warm front is approaching, light rain or light winter precipitation is possible before and as the front passes. Behind the front, expect clearing skies, warmer temperatures and higher relative humdities.

Terms for using data resources. CD-ROM available.
Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.