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Forecasting Temperatures
scaffolding activity

Forecasting temperatures requires the consideration of many factors; day or night, clear or cloudy skies, windy or calm, or will there be any precipitation? An error in judgment on even one of these factors may cause your forecasted temperature to be off by as much as 20 degrees. The purpose of this activity is to explore these factors in greater detail and investigate their possible outcomes on forecasted temperatures. Key words throughout this activity link directly to helper resources that provide useful information for answering the questions.

Forecasting Scenarios:
For each of the following weather scenarios, indicate what impact each component (cloud cover | winds | advection | snow cover) will have on forecasted temperatures. Indicate whether each weather condition will lead to lower (L) or higher (H) temperatures or indicate "None" if it is not a factor.

Weather Scenario Cloud
Winds Temperature
Your Thoughts
Example Scenario:
Night time forecast, cloud cover, no winds, no snow cover.
HLNoneNone Cloud cover should keep temps warm.
Scenario 1:
Day time forecast, cloudy skies with calm winds, no significant temperature advection and no snow cover.
Scenario 2:
Night time forecast, snow cover, clear skies, no wind.
Scenario 3:
Night time forecast, cloudy skies, no snow cover, windy and warm advection.
Scenario 4:
Day time forecast, cloudy skies, windy, cold advection and no snow cover.

Terms for using data resources. CD-ROM available.
Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.