Wall Clouds Beneath CB Towers
visual clues of storm potential

Here we have a southward view of a supercell, with precipitation in the right middle-ground and a wall cloud beneath the cumulonimbus (Cb) tower and anvil overhang in the background. The wall cloud produced a tornado within 30 minutes in southwest Oklahoma City.

Photograph by: Doswell

Looking west from 5 miles away, note the supercell wall cloud. We have learned much about the nature of wall clouds in the last decade. For instance, persistent wall clouds signify a strong updraft which is capable of producing large hail, and if conditions are right, tornadoes. However, only a few cloud-base lowerings actually are wall clouds, and probably less than half of all legitimate wall clouds spawn tornadoes.

Photograph by: Doswell

This is not to minimize the importance of wall clouds, as they are a reasonable indicator of updraft strength. The most visually-impressive examples characteristically precede the most powerful tornadoes. This ominously dark wall cloud occurred with a very severe hailstorm and several weak tornadoes.

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Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
