NEXRad Base Reflectivity
ILX - Lincoln, Illinois

These are Base Reflectivity images from the NEXRad site ILX in Lincoln, Illinois. Images are accessible through the links below and are given in Universal Time Coordinates (UTC).

Movies: QuickTime (2.1 MB) | MPEG (1.2 MB)

April 20, 1996

0000, 0005, 0010, 0015, 0020, 0025, 0030, 0035, 0040, 0045, 0050, 0055

0100, 0105, 0110, 0115, 0120, 0125, 0130, 0135, 0140, 0145, 0150, 0155

0200, 0205, 0210, 0215, 0220, 0225, 0230, 0235, 0240, 0245, 0250, 0255

Terms for using data resources. CD-ROM available.
Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ILX velocities