Radar Meteorology
contributors to module development

Below is a list of those who contributed to the development of the Radar Meteorology instructional module in the Online Remote Sensing Guide. We want to recognize the contributions made by each of the individuals and organizations listed below.

WW2010 Personnel:
Bob Rauber - Content Reviewer - Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences who edited module for scientific accuracy. Revised and rewrote much of the original text.

Steven E. Hall - Content Editor - Responsible for new layout, organization and cross linking of helper pages. Implemented text and graphics modifications as recommended by the Content Reviewer, and constructed home page graphic.

Paul Dekker - Original Developer - Created schematic diagrams and constructed first version of the Radar instructional module.

Yiqi Shao - Graphics Assistant - Edited selected diagrams and graphically enhanced previous versions of this module.

Selected Images Provided By:
For resources not developed by the University of Illinois, DAS/UIUC has been granted permission to display these resources for educational purposes only, on a non-profit basis. Images may be viewed directly from the CD-ROM or the WW2010 web site (http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/). Credit is given to the resource owner in attached captions. Copyright is wholly retained by the owner. Please contact the copyright owners directly for any situation involving the use of images outside of the web server and this CD-ROM. We would like to thank the following for permission to use their photographs and images in the WW2010 web server.

Rodger Brown & Vincent Wood - "A Guide to Interpreting Doppler Velocity Patterns"

Internet Resources:
We would like to acknowledge the following Internet resources for their contributions the development of the Radar Meteorology instructional module.

National Hurricane Center - Miami, FL.
National Weather Service - Tallahassee, FL.
National Weather Service - Chicago, IL.

Content of this server are Copyright © 1997 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees (except in the case of photos and other resources which are specifically identified). The names "Weather World 2010" and "WW2010" are trademarks ™ of the University of Illinois.

Terms for using data resources. CD-ROM available.
Credits and Acknowledgments for WW2010.
Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
